Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I like The Magicians but....

I really think Erich enjoys watching us suffer with these reading assignments. It’s not that I do not like The Magicians, the opposite is true. In fact, I cannot seem to be able to put the book down; literally, I am eating up this book. And being assigned to read up until the action or some big reveal in the plot is really tough. This weekend many projects and papers have taken a back seat because of my need to discover this book’s plot-shattering secret.

 It is pretty obvious that Quentin and Brakebills have some sort of connection with Fillory and the mysterious sixth book in the Plover series. Later on in the novel, there is a scene where Quentin and the rest of the Physical kids are told a story about a fountain.  According to this tale, the school was built to be near the fountain because of its magical properties. The fountain is rumored to show images in the water’s reflection that belong there and Janet suggests that the fountain may transmit images from different places. With all the references to Alice in Wonderland, I believe that the fountain will resemble Lewis Carroll’s transporting pool from The Pool of Tears. The fountain will most likely be a portal that takes Quentin into the world of Fillory.

Even though I really enjoy this book, there are still some elements that slightly annoy me. For starters, I can’t stand how fast past the book is traveling. Quentin basically finishes all four years at Brakebills within a hundred pages. Lev Grossman really had the potential to make this novel into a series like Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia by illustrating Quentin’s encounter with magic but he just ignored that aspect. Another factor that I don’t particularly care for is the element of elitism that Grossman has added to the fantasy realm. In many instances, Quentin gives off the impression that he is better than mere mortals or his parents because of his magical abilities.

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