Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do You Believe in Magic...

So, I am convinced that I was Quentin in a past life and no one can tell me otherwise. Just reading the beginning of Quentin’s tale reminds me so much of my younger years.  I remember as a child constantly re-reading my favorite fantasy books with so much reverence, as if they were holy books. I longed for something more: a transporting antique wardrobe or the discovery of a magical amulet that granted me mystical powers. Till this day I am positive that I have some untapped ability that I just can’t figure out how to unleash, lol!

With my deep love for all things magical, I was quickly enraptured by the tale spun by Lev Grossman. It is the coming to age story that combines elements of Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narina (especially The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe). Quentin resembles Harry Potter because he is the main character and has some innate ability that makes him the leader. Alice favors Hermione because both heroines are magical ingénue and can come off as socially awkward. Penny is the Ron Weasley of this trio. He is the odd man out that completes the trio. Quentin’s trip to the school in upstate New York and the Fillory element was very reminiscent of the transporting wardrobe from C.S. Lewis’ work. Even though The Magicians reminds me of other fantasy novels, this story doesn’t come off as a remake and can stand on its own ground in the literary world.

 Good news for those who enjoyed the book as much as I did, Lev Grossman has signed on to doing a sequel to this book, entitled The Magician King¸ which will be released late summer 2011. The sequel will leave off where the first book ended with the trio several years’ older, living in Fillory.

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