Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...Zzzzzz

So far I am kind of underwhelmed with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. With all the buzz circulating around the book about it being on the New York Time’s Bestseller list for 40+ weeks and the rumors of the book being adapted into an American movie, I expected so much more. This book was actually on my list of novels to read this last summer and I am glad I did not get the chance to read the book by choice and was forced to read it for a class. If it was up to me, I may have stopped reading the book just after the first hundred pages. The beginning   to this novel just did not captivate me like the previous novels we have read thus far. The three previous books had some feature that quickly made the reader invested in the plot: Sunset Park utilized an eccentric point of view and sketchy scenarios, Little Bee also shared an unconventional mindset about a serious subject matter, and Fun Home used humor and graphics to grasp the reader’s attention. The majority of the introduction to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was wasted on paying too much attention to details on setting up the characters and plot. Since I was familiar with the plot of this novel I was just dreading all the foundational fluff and dying to get to the actual mystery that has received so much acclaim. I will admit that the story picks up once Blomkvist reaches the Vanger compound and starts the case, but then we are faced with another slew of pages filled with boring details of Vanger family members.

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